It shall be a statute


throughout all your


It all points to Messiah

The Lord gave His people appointed times as holy convocations.  Each feast points to Jesus.  The holy days celebrated in the spring point to His first coming.  The holy days we celebrate in the fall point to His second coming.  All are prophetic, and all point us back to HIM!

feast days

There are seven feast days commanded by the Lord to observe forever, throughout our generations.  There are a couple more celebrated for tradition.  Click below to learn about each "holiday" or "holy day"

let the little children come to me

The Holy Days point us to God and draw us closer to God.  We want this impressed upon our children's hearts as well.  Here you can find ideas to make each holy-day exciting for your generations.  

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

9:30am & 11:00am

Sunday Evenings
